Power To The Person

Note: These questions are part of a larger data base of questions on module 21. The questions 
are selected to represent the type of question you should expect on unit exam two. You can, in fact, 
expect to see many of these very same questions on that exam. Exam questions, however, may deal 
with topics not covered in the self tests or in lectures but are discussed in your textbook. You are 
responsible for the content of your text book plus the content of lectures, interactive activities, 
& material on the web site.

---- Use these sample questions to test yourself & to practice for the test. ----

1. A minority’s following the majority usually reflects __________ and a majority’s following a minority 
usually reflects __________.

•  public compliance; genuine acceptance
 •  genuine acceptance; public compliance
  •  public compliance; public compliance
   •  genuine acceptance; genuine acceptance

2. What can we conclude about the relationship between persons & situations? 

 People often create their social situations. 
 People choose many of the situations that influence them. 
 Individuals vary in how they interpret & react to a given situation. 
 People do all of the above things. 

3. When social pressure threatens a person’s sense of __________, he or she is likely to rebel. 
 purpose in life 

4. Attempting to restrict a person’s freedom often produces an anti-conformity ________. 

 boomerang effect 
 intimidation pattern 
 consensus principle 
 foot-in-the-door phenomenon 

5. Knowing that someone is trying to coerce you may prompt you to do the opposite of 
that person’s wishes. This response is predicted by 

 social norms theory. 
 psychological reactance theory. 
 Milgram’s theory of obedience. 
 the fundamental attribution error. 

6. Confident minorities are most likely to influence the majority on matters of _______ than 
on matters of _______. 

 law; fashion 
 opinion; fact 
 gender bias; racial bias 
 political importance; social importance 

7. Bob is excellent at organizing his employees, setting goals, & focusing on achieving 
those goals for the company. Bob excels in 

 task leadership. 
 social leadership. 
 masculine leadership. 
 laissez-faire leadership. 

8. Research on leadership indicates that 

 all great leaders share certain traits. 
 effective supervisors tend to score high on both task & social leadership 
 the most effective leaders typically deviate significantly from a group’s standards. 
 social leaders consistently outperform task leaders regardless of organizational goals. 

9. The degree of influence of any position depends on the strength, immediacy, & number 
of those who support that position according to 

 reactance theory. 
 social impact theory. 
 minority influence theory. 

10. Research reveals that a minority person who had defected from the majority is 

•  not at all persuasive. 
 •  more persuasive than a consistent minority voice. 
  •  ridiculed by the majority and rejected by the existing minority. 
   •  persuasive, but not as persuasive than a consistent minority voice. 

11. Kim is moderately attracted to Rick. When her parents forbid her to date Rick because of his age, Kim 
becomes very attracted to Rick. Kim's increased attraction to Rick is most likely due to

•  mere exposure. 
 •  social exchange theory. 
  •  psychological reactance. 
   •  the complementarily hypothesis.
                             Social Psychology
                               Robert C. Gates