The Roots of Prejudice

Note: These questions are part of a larger data base of questions on module 23. The questions 
are selected to represent the type of question you should expect on unit exam three. You can, in fact, 
expect to see many of these very same questions on that exam. Exam questions, however, may deal 
with topics not covered in the self tests or in lectures but are discussed in your textbook. You are 
responsible for the content of your text book plus the content of lectures, interactive activities, 
& material on the web site.

---- Use these sample questions to test yourself & to practice for the test. ----

1. Conformity is to ______________ sources of prejudice as authoritarianism is to 
    _____________ sources of prejudice.

• emotional; cognitive
 • social; emotional
  • cognitive; social
   • social cognitive

2. Which of the following is a social source of prejudice? 

 unequal status 
 just-world phenomenon 

3. Stereotype threat refers to 

 the tendency for stereotypes to change over time. 
 the tendency for stereotyping to lead to prejudice & discrimination. 
 the greater likelihood that minority groups will be negatively stereotyped. 
 a disruptive, self-confirming apprehension that one’s behavior will verify a negative stereotype. 

4. Stereotype threat research has confirmed that ________ stereotypes can ________ performance. 

 negative; inhibit 
 positive; facilitate 
 both the above are true. 
 neither of the above is true 

5. According to social identity theory, people readily 

 categorizes themselves & others. 
 ignore the attributes of other groups. 
 disassociate themselves from certain groups. 
 all of the above are basic tenets of social identity. 

6. The “we” aspect of our self-concept is 

• ethnicity. 
 • ingroup bias. 
  • social identity. 
   • social competence. 

7. Ingroup bias will result when the individuals within the group

• share a birthday. 
 • have the same last digit on their driver’s license. 
  • share at least one demographic characteristic. 
   • All of the above, to share characteristic(s) is the key. 

8. Once established, prejudice is maintained largely by 

 conscious effort. 
 social engineering. 

9. Realistic group conflict theory (RGCT) suggests that prejudice arises 

 whenever people try to live together. 
 when a new group moves into an area. 
 when groups compete for scarce resources. 
 between groups who fail to communicate clearly with each other. 

10. Individuals with authoritarian tendencies have 

• a punitive attitude. 
 • an intolerance for weakness. 
  • a submissive respect for ingroup authority. 
   • all of the above authoritarian tendencies. 

11. Ethnocentrism refers to the fact that 

•  some cultures are actually better than others. 
 •  technologically simpler societies usually feel that their cultures are inferior. 
  •  people usually believe that their way of life is superior, & they are somewhat 
      condescending or even hostile toward other cultures, 
    •  all of the above describe Ethnocentrism.
12. Ethnocentric people are apt to 

•  stereotype. 
 •  engage cultural diversity. 
  •  use intercultural communication. 
   •  rely on verbal communication.
13. The just-world phenomenon often leads people to

•  dislike & distrust those who are wealthy. 
 •  believe that victims of misfortune deserve it. 
  •  respond with kindness to those who mistreat them. 
   •  express higher levels of prejudice after suffering frustration.
14. The belief in a just world is a\an ___________, which helps people __________. 

•  basic attribution error; excuse their failures 
 •  fundamental attribution error; explain away their failures 
  •  defensive attribution; view life as safe, orderly, & predictable 
   •  expression of unrealistic optimism; protect their self-esteem
15. According to social identity theory, in-group bias is

•  a product of information processing. 
 •  motivated by the desire to enhance self-esteem. 
  •  morelike ly in people who are "cognitive misers". 
   •  a result of the need to perceive the world accurately. 
                             Social Psychology
                               Robert C. Gates