Emerging Adulthood: Biosocial Development
Crossword Gird


1. The ratio of a person's weight in kilograms divided by their height in meters squared.
2. To keep physiological functions in a state of equilibrium.
6. Age & organ reserve are _________ proportional.
7. A serious eating disorder leading to emaciation & possible starvation.
9. Sports that include apparent risk of injury or death & are attractive & thrilling as a result.

3. Body mass index of 40 or above is considered _______ obese.
4. Occupations or recreational activities that involve a degree of risk or danger.
5. Delay _________is the tendency to undervalue future consequences in favor of more immediate gratification.
8. State of physical decline.
10. In the US most believe the purpose of sex is to establish this.

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Robert C. Gates