The First Two Years: Infants & Toddlers

Crossword Gird


1. A form of severe protein-energy malnutrition characterized by energy deficiency.
3. The process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information.
4. A type of malnutrition caused by insufficient protein intake. Usually affecting children age 1 - 4.
5. The process of protecting the infant brain during times of inadequate nutrition.
8. An automatic instinctive unlearned reaction to a stimulus.

2. The inborn drive to remedy a developmental defect.
6. The phenomenal increase in neural connections in infants is know as transient ____________.
7. An unelaborated elementary awareness of stimulation.
9. A standard or model or pattern regarded as typical.
10. Value on a scale of 100 that indicates the percent of a distribution that is equal to or below it.

Lifespan Growth & Development
Robert C. Gates