

Case Study Evaluation: 2nd draft

   In addition to the 1st draft's requirements / specifications, the following should be added to the 2nd draft.
•   The student's presentation slides will continue to be original in their "look & feel"
as well as their content .   10%
•   At least one introductory / overview content slide for each of the three developmental domains will be present.   30%
•   At least one graphic (picture, chart, or graph) will be included for each
developmental domain in the draft.   30%
•   BMI should be calculated and displayed on a biosocial domain slide.   10%
•   An IQ test should be taken and the results displayed on a cognitive domain slide.   10%
•   A personality test should be taken and the results displayed on a psychosocial domain slide.   10%

Case Study Evaluation: 2nd draft
Robert C. Gates
decorative psi symbol