Self Test # 13 - Intelligence

Note: These questions are part of a larger data base of questions on Module 13 & are 
selected to represent the type of question you should expect on unit exam four. You 
can, in fact, expect to see many of these very same questions on that exam. Exam 
questions, however, may deal with topics not covered in the self tests or in lectures 
but are discussed in your textbook. You are responsible for the content of your text 
book plus the content of lectures, interactive activities, & material on the web site.

1. Spearman's two-factor theory divides intelligence into:

 verbal skills and math skills
 spatial abilities and movement abilities
 general intelligence and specific abilities
 insight about the self and insight about others

2. Sternberg is to Gardner as _________ is to ____________.

 single; multiple
 multiple; single
 multiple; triarchic
 triarchic; multiple

3. The triarchic theory focuses on the three aspects of intelligence. 
Which of the following is not among the three?

 analytical (academic)
 problem solving (creative)

4. ________ gives an indication of a child’s intelligence by comparing 
her score on an intelligence test to the scores of 
average children her same age.

 Mental age
 Formula age
 Cognitive age
 Intellectual age

5. The intelligence quotient (IQ) score is computed by dividing a 
child’s _______ by the child’s ________ and multiplying by 100.

 number of correct answers; total number of questions asked
 number of correct answers; number of incorrect answers
 mental age; chronological age
 chronological age; mental age

6. The concept of a reaction range indicates that:

 intelligence is fixed at birth, due to genetic factors
 there is a "critical period" for the development of intelligence
 intelligence may increase or decrease as a result of the environment
 heredity establishes a very narrow range for intellectual development

7. Kimberly has an IQ of 87 and has problems with self-care, social 
skills, and safety. Is Kimberly considered mentally retarded?

 no - she does not have limitation in language
 no - her IQ is not subaverage
 no - she needs limitations in four areas, she has problems in 3 areas
 yes - she fits the definition of mental retardation

8. Organic retardation is to ________ as cultural-familial retardation 
is to ______.

 nutrition; society
 severely; profoundly
 genetic; environment
 infant; adult

9. Ratio IQ is to Deviation IQ as ______ is to ______.

 mental; chronological
 traditional; current
 g; s

10. Two essential characteristics of tests are;

 Adequate sample size & Correlation
 Validity & Consistency
 Accuracy & Repeatability
 Validity & Reliability

11. Binet’s warnings

 include that IQ tests don’t measure innate abilities.
 include that IQ tests, by themselves, should not be used to label people.
 about the use of IQ tests were not heeded in the U.S.
 all of these

12. Which of the following is expressed as a number that indicates the
amount or proportion of some ability, characteristic, or trait that 
can be attributed to genetic factors (nature)?

 Normal distribution
 Reaction range

13. What is the percentage of the population that have IQs 
between 70 & 130?


14. A moderately gifted child usually has an IQ score

 100 to 120.
 120 to 160.
 130 to 150.
 180 +.

15. Which of the following outcomes are not predicted well 
by IQ tests?

 academic performance
 defining mental retardation
 identifying the gifted
 job performance

16. ____________ focuses on development of psychological tests.

a Personality psychology
b Forensic psychology
c School psychology
d Psychometrics

17. An advantage of both Howard Gardner's multiple intelligence theory 
and Robert Sternberg's triarchic theory is that they:

 measure each of the five known areas of intelligence
 take into account abilities not covered by standard IQ tests
 yield a single score that is useful for predicting academic performance
 define intelligence in a way that is completely free of cultural influence

18. Francis Galton attempted to determine the relationship between ____________ 
and _________.

 brain size; IQ
 reaction to a puzzle box; IQ
 responses to inkblots; head size
 head size; students’ grade point averages

19. If you measured the intelligence of everyone in the United States, a distribution of all 
the scores would look like a:

 bell-shaped curve
 curve sloping gently upward to the right
 curve that rises and falls at regular intervals
 flat horizon line with a skyscraper in the middle

20. Based on twin studies, evidence regarding the influence on IQ scores indicates that:

 85% is due to genetics, and 15% is due to the environment
 85% is due to the environment, and 15% is due to genetics
 50% is due to genetics, and 50% is due to the environment
 neither genetics nor the environment is predictive of intelligence

21. According to Sternberg's triarchic (three-part) theory of intelligence, intelligence 
consists of three main aspects: analytic intelligence, creative intelligence, & ______ intelligence


22. At what age are mental test scores first stably predictive of later IQ?

 early adulthood

23. Kim took an intelligence test when she was 18 and scored 114. What is her intelligence 
quotient likely to be at the age of 32?


24. Research on the effect of social class on IQ has shown

 a cumulative deficit
 no difference in IQ based on social class
 a social class effect on infant scales only
 a decreasing effect of social class after the grade school years

25. Kyle took the same IQ test on different days and gets the same score each time. This means 
that the test possess a high degree of

 predictive validity

26. For which ability is there a substantial sex difference where boys score higher than girls:


                            Topics in Psychology
                               Robert C. Gates