Practice Test - Assessment & Anxiety Disorders

Note: These questions are part of a larger data base of questions & are selected to 
represent the type of question you should expect be included on tests. Exam 
questions may deal with topics not covered in the practice tests or in lectures but are 
discussed in your textbook. You are  responsible for the content of your text book 
plus the content of lectures, interactive activities, & material on the web site.

Use these sample questions to test yourself & to practice for the test. 

1. A prolonged or recurring problem which interferes with a person’s ability to live a satisfying life & function in 
society is called

  a neurosis.
   a diagnosis.
    a mental disorder.

2. Which one of the following is not a way of defining abnormal behavior?

 statistical frequency approach
 slips of the tongue approach
 maladaptive behavior approach
 deviation from social norms approach

3. Which way of defining abnormal behavior is most likely to change as society changes over time?

a social norms approach
b statistical frequency approach
c maladaptive behavior approach
d cognitive-behavioral approach

4. The most commonly used method to assess abnormal behavior is the:

 personality test
 clinical interview
 Rorschach inkblot test
 neurological examination

5. DSM-V is to psychotherapy as:

 drugs are to depression
 diagnosis is to treatment
 free association is to psychoanalysis
 environmental stress is to abnormality

6. What do clinicians have that increases the reliability & validity of clinical diagnosis?

 The Handbook to Clinical Diagnosis - VI
  Computer programs that actually make the diagnoses
   Freud’s original writings that are available to review
    Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 

7. Which of the following is a sufficient criterion for judging 
behavioral abnormality?

The behavior is not common statistically.
 The behavior goes against social norms.
  The behavior causes subjective discomfort.
   The behavior causes an inability to function from day to day. 
    The behavior causes emotional distress.

8.  Which type of schizophrenia is associated with frequent hallucinations, 
inappropriate affect, and disorganization in speech? 

•  Catatonic 
 •  Paranoid 
  •  Disorganized 
   •  Undifferentiated 
    •   Residual

9. Data indicate that the most common mental disorder(s) was (were):

 mood disorders
 substance abuse
 personality disorders
 psychosexual disorders

10. Which of the following is not considered an anxiety disorder?

 panic disorder
 multiple personality
 obsessive-compulsive disorder

11. Agoraphobia is a fear of:

 enclosed spaces
 being in a situation where escape may be difficult or embarrassing

12. A mental disorder that involves persistent, recurring thoughts, 
images, or impulses and senseless behaviors or rituals is called:

 organic thought disorder
 somatization disorder
 obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)

13. Obsession is to compulsion as:

 desire is to need
 control is to chaos
 thought is to behavior
 wanted is to unwanted

14. The key feature of somatoform disorder is:

 pretending to be sick to avoid school or work
 real physical symptoms but no physical causes
 psychological problems but no physical symptoms
 imagining physical symptoms that aren’t really there

15. A neurological reason for violent impulses in adolescents is a(n):

 wiring defect in the thalamus
 immature prefrontal cortex
 underdevelopment hypothalamus
 wiring defect in the temporal lobe

16. Which of the following is not typical of cognitive-behavior programs 
designed to treat social phobias?

 the person learns new social skills
 explaining that social phobias are learned
 having the person imagine being in the feared situation
 focusing on how other people cope with the feared situation

17. The legal definition of insanity is:

 having a diagnosed mental disorder
 not knowing the difference between right and wrong
 the inability to remember the crime which was perpetrated
 having a problem which interferes with the ability to function in society

18. A neurological explanation for social phobia is a problem in the:

 corpus callosum
 person’s cognitive processes
 way the person handles stress

19. Personality tests include which two types of tests?

 clinical and social
 objective and clinical
 objective and projective
 self-report and projective

20. What is the name given to the systematic evaluation of an individual’s 
functioning and symptoms?

 clinical interview
 clinical assessment
 diagnostic assessment
 psychosocial assessment

                            Topics in Psychology
                               Robert C. Gates