Self Test for Hypnosis - Drugs 

1. What do hypnosis and LSD have in common? 

 Both of them can have therapeutic benefits such as losing weight. 
  They were both discovered by accident by Sigmund Freud. 
   At one time, they were both illegal - now just LSD is. 
    Both have the ability to alter one’s consciousness. 

2. In the late 1700’s, a force called “animal magnetism” (later called hypnosis) 
was introduced by: 

 Ernest Hilgard 
  Anton Mesmer 
   Sigmund Freud 
    Herman Von Hypnos 

3. What percentage of a randomly selected group of college students is 
highly susceptible to hypnosis and therefore could be easily hypnotized? 


4. The sociocognitive theory of hypnosis says that hypnosis is based on a(n): 

 altered state of consciousness. 
  extreme tendency to give in to authority. 
   good natured desire to go along with what people want. 
    special ability of responding to imaginative suggestions & social pressures. 

5. Kimberly rids herself of headaches by hypnotic suggestions. Which of the 
following is she experiencing? 

 age regression 
  hypnotic analgesia 
   imagined perceptions 
    posthypnotic amnesia 

6. “I know I was hypnotized, but that’s all I can remember.” This could be 
an example of: 

 hypnotic sensation 
 posthypnotic amnesia 
 imagined perception 
 posthypnotic suggestion 

7. Hypnosis tends to be more effective in addressing problems related to 
_________, but less effective in problems related to __________. 

 mind-body interactions; self-control 
 self-control; mind-body interactions 
 self-control; impulse control 
 mind-body interactions; psychosomatic symptoms 

8. Once the individual has developed a behavioral pattern of drug abuse 
and an overwhelming desire to get and use the drug, then we say that the 
individual has developed a(n): 

 withdrawal symptom 
 psychological dependence 

9. If a person continues to take a drug to prevent withdrawal symptoms, 
the person is experiencing: 


10. Basically, all drugs work by interfering with the normal operation of: 

 DNA in the genes 
 glucose in the blood 
 neurotransmitters in the brain 
 sensory receptors in the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, & skin 

11. Which of the following is not a mechanism by which drugs 
change behavior? 

 blocking reuptake 
 mimicking the action of neurotransmitters 
 decreasing the production of synaptic vesicles 
 activating the brain’s reward/pleasure circuit 

12. Select the option that is incorrect in explaining how the following 
drug affects the nervous system. 

 caffeine - prevents reuptake 
 cocaine - block reuptake of dopamine 
 morphine - mimics the action of neurotransmitter 
 methamphetamine - increase the release of neurotransmitter 

13. All of the following are stimulants except? 


14. One sad lesson from the history of amphetamine, cocaine, & 
methamphetamine use is that: 

 the most dangerous drugs are the depressants 
 the more dangerous the illegal drug, the harder it is to suppress it 
 there is a certain class of people who must — and will — have drugs 
 cracking down on one illegal drug leads to an increase in use of another 

15. Rose claims that cocaine is the most dangerous drug in terms of the 
number of deaths caused each year. Her belief is: 

 incorrect; heroin causes far more deaths 
 incorrect; alcohol causes far more deaths 
 incorrect; nicotine causes far more deaths 

16. The three main effects of __________ are pain reduction, euphoria, 
and constipation. 

 designer drugs 

17. The most common treatment for heroin addiction is: 

 methadone maintenance 

18. LSD’s effect is due to its similarity to: 


19. Which of the following best illustrates the effects of MDMA 

 depressant + hallucinogenic 
 hallucinogenic + stimulant 
 stimulant + analgesia 
 euphoria + analgesia 

20. The gateway effect refers to: 
 the medicinal uses of marijuana 
 the use of marijuana leading to use of harder drugs 
 the effects of marijuana on critical thinking 
 THC’s effect on the reticular formation 

21. Of the therapies for drug treatment described in your textbook, which 
one was found to be most effective in reducing drinking? 

 cognitive-behavioral therapy 
  motivational therapy 
   the 12-step approach 
    they are equally effective

22. The two signs of physical dependency are

•  drug tolerance & withdrawal. 
 •  psychological cravings & nausea. 
  •  psychological cravings & withdrawal. 
   •  drug tolerance & psychological cravings.    

23. The tendency to act as though your behavior is out of your control & involuntary is called (the) 

•  hypnosis effect. 
 •  basic suggestion effect. 
  •  basic involuntary effect. 
   •  social-cognitive effect.
24. Large doses of amphetamines can lead to a severe mental disturbance & paranoia called 

•  amphetaminism. 
 •  amphetamine toxicity. 
  •  amphetamine neurosis. 
   •  amphetamine psychosis. 
25. Hypnosis has been successfully used to 

•  reduce sensations of pain. 
 •  regress a person back to infancy. 
  •  give a person superhuman strength. 
   •  recall memories accurately & completely.
26. Caffeine replaced __________ in patent medicines in the early 1900s. 

•  opium 
 •  cocaine 
  •  nicotine 
   •  morphine 
27. In the __________ theory of hypnosis, the person has a part of the mind that is not hypnotized & that is 
fully aware of the proceedings. 

•  expectancy 
 •  dissociative 
  •  role-playing 
   •  social-cognitive
28. The "date rape" drug, Rohypnol, is one of the 

•  opiates. 
 •  barbiturates. 
  •  major tranquilizers. 
   •  minor tranquilizers.
29. Several of her friends suspect that Kim is using some sort of drug. She is very thin, stays awake for long 
periods of time, & is often jittery, nervous, & somewhat paranoid. Kim is likely using

•  alcohol. 
 •  sleeping pills. 
  •  benzodiazapine. 
   •  an amphetamine.
30. A long-term effect of marijuana use is

•  asthma. 
 •  lung cancer. 
  •  immune system damage. 
   •  all of these.    

31. Which of the following statements about marijuana is true?

•  Marijuana is healthier than tobacco. 
 •  Marijuana is not physically addictive. 
  •  It is safe to drive under the influence of pot. 
   •  Short-term memory is enhanced by smoking marijuana.
32. High doses of marijuana can lead to 

•  death. 
 •  ecstasy. 
  •  extreme arousal. 
   •  hallucinations & delusions.    

                            Topics in Psychology
                               Robert C. Gates