Ψ Student Project • Computer Based Presentation of a Case Study - Students will prepare a computer based presentation which could be used to present to the class a case study on an individual (The student may do the study on themselves if they wish). This case study will be a descriptive study. The theoretical perspective will focus primarily on the individual development, cognitive behavior, personality, learning & disability, & interpersonal interactions of a particular person. The student should reach some conclusion as to the "normalcy" of the person under study. Performance elements for the evaluation of the case study follow.: • The student's project will be done using computer based presentation software such as Microsoft's Power Point. • The presentation will be displayed for evaluation using a college provided PC running a Microsoft operating system. • The Student's project will be submitted on a flash drive to the teacher not by Canvas, on a floppy, on a CD, or by E-mail. • You should check that your presentation runs correctly on a college laboratory PC before submitting your presentation. Ψ You must select a case study subject that you have personal, face-to-face access to. This means they must be; alive, not a celebrity you watch in videos, observable in real time, and a real person with whom you can talk. Ψ The student’s case study follows general ethical precautions by: • doing no harm to the case study's subject. • securing informed consent from the case study's subject. • explaining the procedures used to the case study's subject. • keeping confidential all personal information not expressly released by the case study's subject. • The student's presentation will be original in its "look & feel". • The student’s presentation will be well thought out & will be logically organized. • The student will address development in the Biosocial, Cognitive, & Psychosocial domains. • The student uses personal observations in support of the conclusions reached. • The student's computer based presentation will contain enough material to support a 5 minute oral presentation. • The student uses charts & graphs properly in support of the conclusions reached. • The student uses at least 3 sources (See case study evaluation form.) other than the text in support of the conclusions reached. Please cite as needed on each slide, A reference page will not be required in this slide presentation. • The student uses various psychological test results in support of the conclusions reached. Ψ Note: Student’s may/should use the various free tests available on the internet as rough approximations of their case study’s subject's attributes. As to the use of the tests used in the example presentation, of course you may use them in your exploration of a person's characteristics. The uniqueness desired in your case study is inherent in the test results (the person's attributes) not in the test. In general which characteristics you include in the case study domains is rather open ended and would have to do with what interests you about the person and what is observable by you. Active Links on the web page that you should look at include: • Case Study Evaluation Form - Print Friendly Version • Case Study - Example Presentation Ψ The above procedures are subject to change if deemed appropriate by the instructor. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Psychology - Student Project Robert C. Gates