Ψ  Syllabus 

•  Lifespan Growth & Development  •

PSYC 2314

Cisco College -  2018

Professor: Robert C. Gates

Use e-mail. - rcgates@rcgates.com

Web Page: www.rcgates.com

Psychology 2314: Lifespan Growth & Development

Course Description: Life-Span Growth and Development is a study of social, emotional, cognitive and physical 
factors and influences of a developing human from conception to death. Three lecture hours per week. 
Credit: 3 Semester Hours

Prerequisite: Required: College level ready in Reading.                           Transferability: Yes

Course Structure: This course will meet for 1.5 hours twice a week ( days ) or for 3 hours once a week for 16 
weeks in a standard semester.

Required Textbooks and Materials: The Developing Person Throughout the Life Span, Berger, 9th or 10th edition

Recommended Optional Materials & Library Resources: Internet search for current concepts

Purpose & Goal of the course as related to the College Mission: To offer a transferable comprehensive course in the 
social sciences which helps the student to form the basis of an understanding of individual human behavior.

Learning Outcomes Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
•  Describe the stages of the developing person at different periods of the life span from birth to death. 
•  Discuss the social, political, economic, and cultural forces that affect the development process of the individual. 
•  Identify factors of responsible personal behavior with regard to issues such as sexual activity, substance abuse, 
marriage and parenting. 
•  Explain the biosocial, cognitive and psychological influences throughout the lifespan as an ongoing set of processes, 
involving both continuity and change. 
•  Describe the different developmental perspectives of the major theories of development (i.e. cognitive, learning, 
humanistic and psychodynamic). 
•  Identify examples of some of the cultural and ethnic differences that influence development throughout the lifespan. 
•  Discuss the various causes or reasons for disturbances in the developmental process.

Core Objectives:
• Critical Thinking Skills - to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information 
• Communication Skills - to include effective development, interpretation and expression of ideas through written, oral and 
visual communication 
• Empirical and Quantitative Skills - to include the manipulation and analysis of numerical data or observable facts resulting 
in informed conclusions 
• Teamwork - to include the ability to consider different points of view and to work effectively with others to support a shared 
purpose or goal 
• Personal Responsibility - to include the ability to connect choices, actions and consequences to ethical decision-making 
• Social Responsibility - to include intercultural competence, knowledge of civic responsibility, and the ability to engage 
effectively in regional, national, and global communities

Methods of Assessment / Grading Policy

New Average of unit tests(4) - 60%
Unit test format: multiple choice - Time limit: 30 minutes
 Student Project - 20%
New Final  exam - 20% - All tests must be completed before a student can take the final.

 Doing the self testing on the instructors web site is an integral part of this course! Always take the self tests 
provided for you, it will enhance your chance of doing well on course tests.

Major Units of Study:
    Beginnings, Theories of Development, Heredity & Environment, Prenatal & Birth, Biosocial Development, Cognitive 
    Development, Psychosocial Development, Death & Dying.

Student Conduct, Notices and College Policies Students are expected to follow all classroom policies listed in the 
course syllabus. College-wide policies can be found in the College Catalog and the Student Handbook. Inappropriate 
behavior in the classroom shall result, at a minimum, in a request to leave class. The Student Handbook contains a list 
of specific prohibitions. (Faculty may add reference to program handbooks.)


Course Content College-level courses may include controversial, sensitive, and/or adult material. Students are 
expected to have the readiness for college-level rigor and content.

Academic Integrity It is the intent of Cisco College to foster a spirit of complete honesty and a high standard of 
integrity. The attempt of students to present as their own any work they have not honestly performed is regarded 
by the faculty and administration as a serious offense and subjects the offender to disciplinary action. The Student 
Handbook contains a list of academic integrity definitions and violations.

Cross-Listed Course Sections For reasons of pedagogy and course management, this course may be cross-listed 
with one or more other course sections on Canvas. Cross-listed course sections may interact. (Applicable to 
cross-listed sections of any format.

Changes to the Syllabus The schedule and procedures in this syllabus are subject to change if deemed appropriate 
by the instructor.

Students with Special Needs Students who qualify for specific accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities 
Act (ADA) should notify the instructor the first week of class. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the necessary 
documentation to the Special Populations Coordinator.

Title IX Harassment of any nature occurring on the premises of Cisco College will not be tolerated. Should a student be 
subjected to any form of harassment, the matter may be reported to the Title IX Director (254-442-5022 or 325-794-4439), 
Dean of Students (254-442-5173), Provost (325-994-4401) or any counselor.

HB 1508 For students in this course who may have a criminal background, please be advised that the background could 
keep you from being licensed by the State of Texas. If you have a question about your background and licensure, please 
speak with your faculty member or the department chair. You also have the right to request a criminal history evaluation 
letter from the applicable licensing agency. (Applicable to courses in programs that lead to state licensing.)

Attendance Policy

•  Prompt & regular class attendance is considered necessary for satisfactory work. See College Catalog for full class 
attendance policy.

Ψ  IF you leave class without prior permission while it is in session, you will receive an unexcused absence!

Late Work/Extra Credit Policy
    If a student has an absence on a test day, the student will make up the test before the next test is given or receive a zero
     for that test grade. No makeups will be allowed during final test week!  Make up tests will be taken in the classroom, by 
     appointment only!  A Doctor’s written excuse for the class day of the scheduled exam must be presented in order to 
     take the make-up test.
Note: Makeup tests may be alternate versions of the test given to the class.
    There is not, nor will there be made any provision for re-tests in this class.
    There is not, nor will there be made any provision for extra credit work in this class.

Student Technology Use in Classroom Use of communication devices is prohibited during class. Exception to this policy 
may occur due to college-wide emergency notification or at the discretion of the instructor. In order to protect the privacy 
of other students and to encourage open discussion, covert digital recording is prohibited in the classroom. Students are 
expected to follow the Student IT Policy as stated in the Student Handbook

Student Help & Resources Students are encouraged to utilize the Canvas and online learning resources provided on the 
Distance Education webpage and the Student Resources provided on Canvas. Students may contact canvashelp@cisco.edu 
or call 325-794-4480 for Canvas assistance, or email helpdesk@students.cisco.edu for assistance with college computers, 
software and email.