Practice test 10. Quiz - Early Childhood: Psychosocial Development 

Note: These questions are part of a larger data base of questions on Chapter 10 & are selected 
to represent the type of question you should expect on unit exam three. You can, in fact, expect 
to see many of these very same questions on that exam. Exam questions, however, may deal 
with topics not covered in the self tests or in lectures but are discussed in your textbook. You are 
responsible for the content of your text book plus the content of lectures, interactive activities, 
& material on the web site.

Use these sample questions to test yourself & to practice for the test. 

1. In mainstream North American society, unlike in most others, the  
standards for rearing children are set by the 

 extended family. 

2. Children with externalizing problems is to children with internalizing 
problems as______________ is to _____________. 

 implusive anger; attacking other people 
 fearful; withdrawn 
 undercontrolled; overcontrolled 
 overcontrolled; undercontrolled 

3. When do 2-year olds need direct supervision? 

 in a "safe" room they can play unsupervised 
 all the time except when feeding & dressing 
 all the time except when playing with familiar peers 
 all the time 

4. Empathy is to antipathy as______________ is to _____________. 

 antisocial; prosocial 
 prosocial; antisocial 
 disliking; hating 
 understanding; knowing 

5. Which of the following is an example of relational aggression? 

 - Emma told Linda to meet her in the schoolyard after lunch because 
   she intended to beat her up. 
 - Even though it wasn't true, Kim told Rose that Lilly was spreading 
   vicious rumors about her. 
 - Ever since they got the new video game, Kyle and his brother are 
   always getting into fistfights over whose turn it is. 
 - Because he was trying to get the soccer ball away from her, Rick 
   unintentionally tripped Misty and she scraped her knee. 

6. ___________ aggression is to lack of emotional regulation as 
______ aggression is to social rejection. 

 Instrumental; relational 
 Reactive; relational 
 Relational; reactive 
 Relational; bullying 

7. When preschoolers judge their own skills, they 

 tend to underestimate them. 
 tend to overestimate them. 
 have a realistic idea of their own abilities. 
 defer to others as to their skill level. 

8. Gender differences are to ________ as sex differences are to ___________. 

 biology; culture 
 culture; biology 
 biology ; physical 
 physical; biology 

9. Which of the following is a defining feature of play among children? 

 Intrinsic motivation 
 Product-oriented activity 
 Reliance on explicit rules 
 A reality-bound perspective 

10. Shame is to _____ as guilt is to _____. 

 maturity; immaturity 
 external control; self-regulation 
 self-regulation; external control 
 self-awareness; lack of self-awareness 

11. Children who regulate their emotions and express empathy tend to 

 be securely attached. 
 be unfriendly. 
 avoid bonding. 
 exhibit shyness. 

12. Which of the following is the best example of play governed by implicit rules? 

 Playing doctor 
 Playing soccer 
 Playing monopoly 
 Playing hopscotch 

13. Which behavior is prosocial? 

 Kim takes out the garbage for 50 cents 
 Kyle helps his mother so that his mother will take him to the playground 
 Kurt says "please" when asking his mother for a toy 
 Emma feeds her baby brother because her mother is sick 

14. Robert is three years old. As he progresses through the preschool 
years, his friendships will become more 

 focused on fantasy role playing. 
 dependent on shared activities. 
 likely to allow for differences & disagreements. 

15. In sociodramatic play, children 

 cooperate to build something. 
 coordinate senses & motion. 
 act out roles & create stories. 
 engage in rough-and-tumble behavior. 

16. The 4 aspects of parenting style are warmth, discipline, 
communication, & ___________.

 physical contact. 
 expectations of maturity. 

17. Children with little self control are most likely to have parents who are 


18. Which of the following is in line with learning theory? 

 Kim has some hostility toward her father. 
 Kyle is trying to act like his father. 
 Kurt realizes that he is a male and that he will always be male. 
 Emma wears a dress, and both parents tell her how pretty she looks. 

19. Androgynous males & females 

 are as different as night & day. 
 have reversed the standard sex differences 
 have many of the same personality characteristics. 
 tend to be less nurturing than other normal people. 

20. Which type of play most requires theory of mind? 


21. The Oedipus complex is to males as the ____________ complex is to females. 


22. Erikson refers to the developmental stage, age 3 to 6 as: 

 trust vs. mistrust. 
 initiative vs. guilt. 
 industry vs. inferiority. 
 autonomy vs. shame and doubt. 

23. Which style of parent is likely to resort to spanking? 

 all of the above 

24. Which style of parent is most likely to resort to spanking? 

 all of the above 

25. The three theories that agree that family & culture influence gender 
development patterns are: 

 learning, cognitive, & sociocultural. 
 sociocultural, epigenetic, & learning. 
 cognitive, sociocultural, & epigenetic. 
 psychoanalytic, learning, & cognitive. 

                            Topics in Psychology
                               Robert C. Gates