Practice test #19 -  Emerging Adulthood: Psychosocial Development

1. According to Erikson, the stage of intimacy versus isolation

 • is followed by the search for identity.
  • occurs only if one avoids stagnation,
   • is characterized by by the need for generativity.
    • involves the need to share one's life with someone else.

2. Most developmental theorists today believe that

 • intimacy always proceeds generativity.
  • Generativity cannot appear before age 40.
   • adulthood is divided into a specific sequence of stages.
    • stages of adult development are not necessarily age related.

3.  Ethnic identity

•  is reciprocal, both a personal choice & a response to others. 
 •  depends on context & therefore changes with time & circumstances. 
  •  is multifaceted: emerging adults choose some attributes & reject 
    •  all of the above.    

4.  Which of the following is a synonym for Intimacy?

•  affiliation 
 •  sexuality 
  •  generativity 
   •  self-esteem

5. One of the four gateways to attraction in friendship is

 apparent availably.
 average yearly income.
 exclusion criteria.
 infrequent exposure.

6. In cross-sex friendships, who is more likely to sexualize 
a non-romantic relationship?

 whoever is the younger.
 both sexes equally.
 women more likely.
 men more likely.

7. Which correlates with passionate love?

 a stable personality
 a new relationship
 honesty about oneself
 trust over the years

8. According to Sternberg, when commitment, passion, and 
intimacy are all present, the form of love is


9. Generally, cohabitating couples

 believe they will have stronger marriages.
 do not intend to marry.
 have stronger marriages when they marry.
 are less common than the published statistics suggest.

10. The dominant traits of commitment are

 excitement & risk.
 passion & freedom.
 devotion & dependence.
 independence & accomplishment.

11. Compared to marriages within the 1st year or 2 after the couple 
is formed, marriages postponed for several years tend to be

 more happy.
 less happy.
 less likely to end in divorce.
 the same as any other marriage.

12. Marriage between people of different backgrounds is called

 role incompatibility.

13. From 1980 to 2000, U.S. divorce rates have

 leveled off.
 decreased a little.
 increased somewhat.
 increased a lot.

14. Compared to a hundred years ago, couples today expect ________ from a relationship, & devote 
______ of themselves to it.

 more; more
 less; less
 less; more
 more; less

15.  The various qualities, such as appearance & proximity, that are prerequisites for the formation of close 
friendships & ultimate relationships are called

•  intimacy paradigms. 
 •  social exchange prerequisites.
  •  the dimensions of love. 
   •  the gateways to attraction.

16. Research shows that _______ is more likely in cohabiting couples than in married couples.


17. What is a result of intimate terrorism?

 common couple violence
 deceleration of violence with age
 violence on the part of both spouses
 battered wife syndrome

18.  A sizable proportion of adults report having a "happiness bump" in their mid

•  20s. 
 •  30s. 
  •  40s. 
   •  60s.    

19.  The term psychopathology is used to denote behaviors or experiences which are indicative of 

•  low cognitive functioning. 
 •  mental illness 
  •  genetic malformations. 
   •  stress.
20.  In the ___________ model, a non-biological or genetic vulnerability or predisposition interacts with the 
environment & life events (stressors) to trigger behaviors or psychological disorders

•  linked lives 
 •  PTSD 
  •  diathesis-stress 
   •  hikikomori
                          Develpmental Psychology
                               Robert C. Gates