Practice Test #26 - Epilogue: Death & Dying

Note: These questions are part of a larger data base of questions on Chapter 26 & are selected 
to represent the type of question you should expect on the final. You can, in fact, expect to see 
some of these very same questions on that exam. Exam questions, however, may deal with 
topics not covered in the self tests or in lectures but are discussed in your textbook. 
You are responsible for the content of your text book plus the content of lectures, 
interactive activities, & material on the web site.

Use these sample questions to test yourself & to practice for the test.

1. Re: Kubler-Ross, the 1st stage of dying is


2. Re: Kubler-Ross, Ed is terminally ill. He thinks his friends don't care &
    his family is too overprotective. Ed is in the stage of


3. In terminally ill people, the emotional stage of acceptance is characterized by

 an absence of feeling.
 a strong fear of death.
 feelings of happiness.
 a feeling of trauma.

4. Today most physicians tell patients they are dying, if

 the patient has not made out a will.
 the patient asks directly.
 death will occur in a short period of time.
 the family whishes the patient be told.

5. A death without adequate pain medication is most likely:

 for those with chronic illnesses.
 when death is inevitable.
 for young adults in hospices.
 for the oldest old in nursing homes.

6. Young children who are dying need

 avoidance of emotional issues.
 constant companionship.
 the assurance they are not going to die.
 information about their condition.

7. A person who is designated to make decisions for a dying person is

 an attorney.
 a spouse or child.
 a proxy.
 a hospice worker.

8. 8. A DNR order

 can be used only by hospice workers.
 is not available for the terminally ill.
 is a request to postpone death.
 allows a natural death.

9. When medication that relives pain hastens death, its called

 double effect.
 terminal assistance.
 palliative death.
 the "old man's best friend".

10. Palliative care

 is the legal form of a living will.
 provides relief from physical pain.
 does not occur in a hospice setting.
 is not acceptable to most religions.

11. The function of hospice is to

 save the terminally ill.
 convince the dying to accept death.
 allow people to die in peace.
 segregate the dying from those who might recover.

12. The "unit of care" for hospice is

 the terminally ill person.
 the dying person and their family.
 every patient in a particular area of the hospice.
 a person who is willing to try experimental treatments.

13. An example of voluntary euthanasia is

 a patient's refusing to eat.
 not using a respirator.
 injecting lethal drugs.
 withholding pain-killing drugs.

14. Support for assisted suicide is highest among

 young white males.
 african-american females/
 females over age 50.
 low income males of all races.

15. The person who copes best with death is someone who

 avoids graveside visits.
 gets rid of mementoes & pictures.
 talks about experiences shared.
 puts life with the loved one out of mind.

16. Compared with younger adults who commit suicide, older adults who
       kill themselves are more likely to

 be socially isolated.
 have health problems.
 communicate warning signs.
 experience interpersonal losses.

17. Grief is __________ and mourning is __________.

 a behavioral response; an emotional response
 a family pattern; a cultural expression
 an emotional response; a behavioral response
 a family pattern; a cultural expression

18. The _______ stage of dying is sometimes skipped by persons over sixty.


19. Rose has been caring for her elderly mother who is dying from cancer. As
       her mother gets worse, Rose is likely to experience some

 grief work.
 grief panic.
 anticipatory grief.

20. In closed awareness of dying, awareness of impending death is limited to

 medical personnel.
 medical personnel, patient, & loved ones.
 medical personnel & loved ones.
 medical personnel & the patient.

21. Grief work involves

 the initial phase of bereavement.
 the planning of the funeral or memorial service.
 the transition from initial detachment to deep depression.
 the total cycle of bereavement, which lasts one year or longer.

22. Which of the following is the best example of a thirty-five-year-old having
       concerns about dying with "unfinished business?"

- Kyle wants to live until he gets to enjoy his retirement years.
- Kim doesn't want to die before her three children are grown and capable of
   taking care of themselves.
- Lilly always cleans her house thoroughly before going on a long trip
   because if she's killed in an accident she doesn't want anyone to deal with
   a messy house.
- When Kurt was seventeen, he wrote a list of a hundred things he wanted to
   do before he died and he is halfway through the list.

23. When dealing with chronic, terminal medical conditions, the option chosen
       most by elderly persons is

 strive to continue living.
 suicide or assisted suicide.
 do nothing to prolong life and minimize pain.
 ask physician or relative to make end-of-life decisions

24. Compared with younger adults, older persons

 talk less about death & fear death more.
 talk more about death & fear death less.
 talk more about death & fear death more.
 talk less about death & fear death less.

25. Ritual is to emotion as:

 affirmination is to loss. 
 loss is to affirmination.
 mourning is to grief.
 grief is to mourning.

26. Ed has just been diagnosed with terminal cancer. He has been told he has 
six months to live. Ed signs a 2 year lease on a car. Which stage of 
dying is Ed in?


27. Our emotional reaction to the loss of a loved one is called

 reality shock

28. The most intense emotional reactions to the loss of a loved one typically occur 
during which grief phase  (RE: Bowlby, 1980; Parkes, 1986,1991; Rambo,1995)?


                            Topics in Psychology
                               Robert C. Gates