Self Test #7 - The First Two Years: Psychosocial Development

Note: These questions are part of a larger data base of questions on Chapter 7 & are selected to represent the 
type of question you should expect on unit exam two. You can, in fact, expect to see many of these very same 
questions on that exam. Exam questions, however, may deal with topics not covered in the self tests or in lectures 
but are discussed in your textbook. You are responsible for the content of your text book plus the content of lectures, 
interactive activities, & material on the web site.

Use these sample questions to test yourself & to practice for the test. 

1. Conflict between siblings is most likely to occur for which reason? 

 Because of disputed possessions 
 Because of differences in natural endowments 
 Because of an inherent dislike for one another 
 Because parents are seen as giving preferential treatment 

2. Separation anxiety is strongest about: 

 8 months. 
 14 months. 
 20 months. 
 26 months. 

3. Compared to mothers, fathers are likely to make their infants 

 cry more. 
 sleep more. 
 laugh more. 
 say "please". 
4. Baby Rose is showing surprise. Accordingly, she could most probably 
also express 


5. According to traditional learning theory personality is: 

 molded by parents. 
 due to nature. 
 resident in the unconscious mind. 

6. At Lilly's first birthday party, she expressed all of the following 
emotions except 

 - joy when she saw the beautiful cake with candles. 
 - shame when she wet her diaper during a rousing chorus of "Happy Birthday." 
 - anger when her older brother kept playing with her brand-new toys. 
 - wariness when a couple of relatives she hadn't met came up &  kissed her. 

7. Freud & Erikson agree on the: 

 importance of early weaning. 
 importance of early experience. 
 need for a permissive environment. 
 need for parents to stimulate their child. 

8. Which two theories have had the greatest influence on the concept 
of attachment? 

 Behavioral and Piagetian 
 Psychoanalytic and ethology 
 Piagetian and psychoanalytic 
 Ethology and behavioral 

9. Infant day care is of high quality if caregivers emphasize: 

 sensorimotor exploration. 
 extended naps. 
 individual space. 
 a variety of caregivers through out the day. 

10. Kimberly shows definite signs of object permanence; we might expect 
that she should also begin to show: 

 stranger anxiety. 
 separation anxiety. 
 a secure attachment pattern. 
 an anxious-resistant attachment pattern. 

11. Which temperament category is most common in young infants? 

 slow to warm up 

12. In the "Big Five" openness refers to 

 being an extrovert. 
 the willingness to try new things. 

13. The most critical element in determining synchrony is: 

 attention span. 

14. An enduring emotional connection between people is known as 


15. In the "strange situation" a sign of secure attachment is 

 crying and not being comforted when mother returns. 
 ignoring mother when she returns. 
 smiling at mother when she returns. 
 reluctance to leave mother to play with new toys. 

16. Newborns have two identifiable emotions: 

 distress & contentment. 
 shame & stress. 
 pride & guilt. 
 anger & joy. 

17. Synchrony begins to appear at: 

 6 weeks. 
 2 months. 
 3 months. 
 4 months. 

18. A key difference between temperament & personality is that: 

 - temperament traits are learned. 
 - personality is more stable than temperament. 
 - personality includes traits that are primarily learned. 
 - personality does not begin to form until much later, when 
   self-awareness emerges. 

19. Secure attachment is directly correlated with the promotion of: 

 social skills. 
 all of these! 

20. The attachment pattern marked by anxiety & uncertainty is; 

 Type B. 
21.  Weaning is to the oral stage as ________ is to anal stage.

•  envy 
 •  toilet training 
  •  Oedipal complex 
   •  sexual attraction    

22.  Which of the following factors are traits within the "Big Five?" 

•  neuroticism, openness, and extroversion 
 •  emotionality, agreeableness, and shyness 
  •  onscientiousness, anxiety, and psychoticism 
   •  introversion, sensation seeking, and neuroticism

                               Growth & Development
                                    Robert C. Gates