The Power of Positive Thinking 

Self-efficacy (Albert Bandura - Social Cognitive Theory) Your self-efficacy is how competent you feel to do 
something; your self-esteem is your sense of self worth, e.g. a skilled thief might feel high self-efficacy & 
low self-esteem.
Locus of Control    

Ψ  A locus of control orientation is a belief about whether the outcomes of our actions are contingent on what we do 
(internal control orientation) or on events outside our personal control (external control orientation)." 
(Zimbardo, 1985, p. 275)    

Ψ  In general, it seems to be psychologically healthy to perceive that one has control over those things which one is 
capable of influencing.    
Ψ  In simple terms, a more internal locus of control is generally seen as desirable. Having an Internal locus of control 
can also be referred to as "self-agency", "personal control", "self-determination", etc.     

Ψ  Research on locus of control has found the following trends:        

        •  Males tend to be more internal than females. 
         •  As people get older they tend to become more internal. 
          •  People higher up in organizational structures tend to be more internal.        
          Mamlin, N., Harris, K. R., Case, L. P. (2001). A Methodological Analysis of Research on Locus of Control 
        and Learning Disabilities: Rethinking a Common Assumption. Journal of Special Education, Winter.
Learned Helplessness    
Ψ  External locus of control is related to Seligman's studies of Learned Helplessness (1970s) which found that animals 
& people will learn to simply give up trying when they experience loss of control over what happens to them. Thus, 
developing learned helplessness, when in a chronically deprived situation, is an adaptive response. However, if 
circumstances change for the better, learned helplessness (external locus of control) is maladaptive because the person
doesn't know how to act when free.
 Notes on Self-determination.    
 Ψ  Studies confirm that systems of governing and/or managing people that promote personal control will promote health 
 & happiness. (Deci & Ryan,1987)    
 Ψ  To many choices can lead to paralysis, a "tyranny of freedom".   
 Ψ  It has been found that people express greater satisfaction with irrevocable choices than with reversible choices. Freedom 
 to change your mind is not always a plus.
 Ψ  There is a power to positive thinking, on the other hand, if you tell yourself you can until you think you can, and then you fail, 
 you have only yourself to blame. (bad outcome).    
 Ψ  The dark side of high self-esteem: arrogance & retaliation when threatened.  
                                      Social Psychology
                                         Robert C. Gates