Ψ  The Powers of Intuition

Crossword Grid            Answer

 1. ________ reactions are often nearly instantaneous.
 3. Said:” The heart has its reasons which reason does not know”.
 4. ________: functional blindness circumvented by automatic thinking.
 5. Thinking is partly ________ & partly automatic.
 7. Given sufficient ________ people may intuitively know the answer to a problem.
 8. ________ bias: A tendency to search for information that confirms one’s preconceptions.
11. Its ________ retrospection.

 2. Skills & conditioned dispositions, we remember ________.
 6. If you can get people to think of a good reason why their judgments might be wrong, you may reduce ________ bias.
 9. understanding without apparent effort.
10. mental templates
12. face blindness

Social Psychology
Robert C. Gates