
Note: These questions are part of a larger data base of questions on module 3. The 
questions are selected to represent the type of question you should expect on unit exam one. You 
can, in fact, expect to see many of these very same questions on that exam. Exam questions, however, 
may deal with topics not covered in the self tests or in lectures but are discussed in your textbook. You 
are responsible for the content of your text book plus the content of lectures, interactive activities, 
& material on the web site.

---- Use these sample questions to test yourself & to practice for the test. ----

1. The tendency to process efficiently & remember well information related to oneself is called 
the ____________ effect.

 false uniqueness

2. Re: Self knowledge; 

 self-schemas are self-deceptions. 
 we know little about ourselves. 
 self reports are often untrustworthy. 
 others know us better than we do. 

3. That we often have implicit attitudes that differ from our explicit attitudes defines the 
concept of 
 dual attitudes. 
 cognitive dissonance. 
 the self-reference effect. 
 an independent self-construct. 

4. Wilson (1985) suggests that the mental processes that control our social behavior are 
________ the mental processes through which we explain our behavior. 

 parallel to 
 the same as 
 distinct from 
 controlled by 

5. The best advice for predicting your behavior is to 

 ask an expert 
 ask your closest friend. 
 analyze your current mood. 
 consider your past behavior in similar situations. 

6. Nisbett & Wilson had students rate a film while a noisy power saw was operated nearby. 
Most felt the noise 

 affected their ratings, as it had. 
 affected their ratings, but it didn’t. 
 had not affected their ratings, though it had. 
 had not affected their ratings, & they were correct. 

7. For someone with a collectivistic, interdependent sense of self, happiness comes with 
 feeling competent. 
 positive social engagement. 
 feeling good about our own abilities & accomplishments. 
 all of these. 

8. Western cultures are to _________ as Asian cultures are to __________. 

 self-forgetfulness; self-esteem 
 self-denial; self-acceptance 
 the actual self; the possible self 
 the independent self; the interdependent self 

9. The self-reference effect shows us that 
 self-efficacy promotes achievement. 
 individualism leads to social isolation. 
 most of us suffer from a negative self-image. 
 our sense of self is at the center of our universe. 

10. The beliefs about the self that organize & guide the processing of 
self-relevant information are called 

 possible selves. 
 social comparisons. 

                             Social Psychology
                               Robert C. Gates