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Ψ  Practice Test for Motivation

Note: These questions are part of a larger data base of questions & are selected to represent the type of question you should expect on a unit exam. The unit exam questions, however, may deal with topics not covered in the self tests or in lectures but are discussed in your textbook. You are responsible for the content of your text book plus the content of lectures, interactive activities, & material on the web site.

Use these sample questions to test yourself & to practice for the test. Click on your choice to see if you are right.

1.  A psychological or physiological factor that causes humans to act in a specific way at a particular time is called

•  motivation.
 •  an instinct.
  •  energy.
   •  a drive.

2. When we are motivated, we typically show 3 characteristics. Which of the following is not one of the 3 characteristics?

a energized to do something
b directed to reach a specific goal
c increased arousal after reaching a specific goal
d different intensities of feelings about reaching a specific goal

3. The concept of instinct has been replaced with the idea of:

a intrinsic motives
b extrinsic motives
c fixed action patterns
d homeostatic mechanisms

4. Brain scans have revealed a new source of motivation, the:

a instinct
b incentive
c fixed action pattern
d reward/pleasure center

5. An incentive is __________, whereas needs are _________.

a external; internal
b a biological need; social needs
c a fixed action pattern; instinctual
d a safety need; self-actualization needs

6. Beliefs, expectations, and goals are important concepts in which of the following theories of motivation?

a instinct theory
b cognitive theory
c self-actualization
d drive-reduction theory

7. Intrinsic is to _______ as extrinsic is to _________.

a instinct; social
b internal; external
c biological; internal
d biological; psychological

8. Which of the following arranges Maslow’s needs in the correct ascending order?

a belongingness, self-actualization, physiological, safety, esteem
b physiological, safety, belongingness, esteem, self-actualization
c safety, esteem, physiological, self-actualization, belongingness
d self-actualization, physiological, esteem, belongingness, safety

9. To be achieving, competent & to gain approval & recognition from others is to reach the _______ level of Maslow’s hierarchy.

a self-actualization
b love & belonging
c esteem
d safety

10. The “when”, “where”, and “how much” we eat are influenced by three factors. Which of the following is not among the three factors?

a genetic hunger factors
b cognitive hunger factors
c biological hunger factors
d psychosocial hunger factors

11. Peripheral cues for hunger come from ______, whereas central cues come from _______.

a body image; actual weight
b the hypothalamus; hormones
c digestive organs; the brain
d learning; experience

12. The start eating center in the hypothalamus is the ________. The stop eating center is the __________.

a CCK, PYY, & stomach
b lateral hypothalamus; anterior hyperphagia
c hyperphagia; hypophagia
d lateral hypothalamus; ventromedial hypothalamus

13. What is the idea behind Maslow's famous pyramid?

a to preserve Maslow's theory forever
b as one takes care of basic needs, the "higher needs" become more relevant
c the road to enlightenment consists of many small steps
d it was a sort of temple or meeting place for his students
e it showed the 3 factors underlying self-actualization, one on each corner

14. ______ refers to a certain level of body fat that the body strives to maintain constant throughout our lives.

a Setpoint
b Breakpoint
c Weightpoint
d Homeostasis

15. The result of a sperm fertilizing an egg is called a _____.

b fetus
c zygote
d chromosome

16. Male sex hormones are to female sex hormones as ______ are to ______.

a ovaries; testes
b androgens; estrogens
c estrogens; androgens
d testosterone; androgens

17. When we learn traditional behaviors, attitudes, and personality traits that our society regards as masculine or feminine, we have acquired:

a gender roles
b gender labels
c gender markers
d gender identities

18. If you argue that genetic/biological factors and psychological factors influence the development of sexual orientation, you adhere to the:

a Home-hetero likelihood model
b Kinsey theory of sexual arousal
c interactive model of sexual orientation
d Masters & Johnson's model of sexual response

19. Which of the following behaviors is justified by the evolutionary theory?

a transsexual orientation
b homosexual orientation
c adherence to gender role expectations
d the double standard for sexual behavior

20. With regard to homosexuality, the American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association & American Medical Association have indicated that:

a homosexuality is superior to the heterosexual lifestyle
b homosexuals experience higher rates of depression
c homosexuality is within the range of normal sexual behavior
d homosexuality is outside the range of normal sexual behavior

21. Which one of the following is the correct order of human sexual response?

a plateau – excitement – orgasm – resolution
b excitement – plateau – orgasm – resolution
c excitement – orgasm – plateau – resolution
d orgasm – excitement – resolution – plateau

22. The new definition of AIDS is:

a having HIV antibodies
b having HIV antibodies and a level of T-cells below 200
c having HIV antibodies and engaging in risky behaviors
d having HIV antibodies and at least two infectious diseases

23. Paper-and-pencil tests have replaced the Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) as measures of need for achievement because

a the TAT has limited reliability and validity
b paper-and-pencil tests can be self-administered
c need for achievement requires a test of performance
d paper-and-pencil tests are easier to develop

24. Making up excuses for failure is referred to as:

a image defense
b self-attributing
c self-handicapping
d delusional attribution

25. Which of the following extrinsic rewards work to increase intrinsic motivation?

a those that use both positive & negative feedback
b those given for doing minimal work
c those that are perceived as a threat
d those that are unexpected

26. The disorder characterized by an intense fear of fatness & willful starvation resulting in death 20% of the time is called:

a bulimia nervosa
b anorexia nervosa
c obesity syndrome
d self-handicapping compulsion

27. The eating disorder characterized by a minimum of two binge-eating episodes per week for at least three months, and regularly engaging in vomiting is called:

a bulimia nervosa
b anorexia nervosa
c distorted body image
d compulsive overeating

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General Psychology
Robert C. Gates
Neurosis is the inability to tolerate ambiguity.  -- Freud

New Oh, threats of Hell and Hopes of Paradise!
One thing at least is certain---This Life flies;
One thing is certain and the rest is Lies;
The Flower that once has blown for ever dies.
New from the Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam