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Adolescence Biosocial

Ψ  Note: These questions are part of a larger data base of questions on Chapter 14  & are selected to represent the type of question you should expect on unit five. You can, in fact, expect to see many of these very same questions on that exam. Exam questions, however, may deal with topics not covered in the self tests or in lectures but are discussed in your textbook. You are responsible for the content of your text book plus the content of lectures, interactive activities, & material on the web site.

    Use these sample questions to test yourself & to practice for the test. Click on your choice to see if you are right.

1.  Adolescence

•  lasts ten years on average.
 •  ends around age 21.
  •  starts at about age 11.
   •  all of these

2.  Puberty begins with a hormonal signal from the

a hypothalamus.
b hippocampus.
c cerebellum.
d ovaries or testes.

3.  Hormone release sequence in puberty is

a pituitary, gonads, hypothalamus.
b gonads, pituitary, hypothalamus.
c hypothalamus, gonads, pituitary.
d hypothalamus, pituitary, gonads.

4.  In puberty, testosterone increases

a in neither males nor females.
b in both males and females.
c only in females.
d only in males.

5.   Factors besides gender that affect the onset of puberty are

•  genes, drug use, & stress.
 •  genes, body type, & stress.
  •  parental involvement, genes, & nutrition.
   •  nutrition, drug usage, & parental involvement.

6. "Menarche" refers to

a the 1st ovulation of a mature egg.
b a girl's 1st menstrual period.
c the beginning of the growth of the uterus.
d the 1st year of menstruation.

7. Family conflict & stress

•  typically increase after puberty..
 •  typically decrease after puberty.
  •  may cause late onset of puberty.
   •  may cause early onset of puberty.

It's a Mickey Mouse World , isn't it?

8. The adolescent growth spurt begins with

a an increase in torso length.
b an increase in bone length & density.
c rapid growth of muscle tissue.
d increase in skull size.

9. In normal children, the age of the growth spurt

a varies widely.
b occurs in boys first.
c occurs at the same yearly age for girls
d is evenly distributed over the teen years.

10.  Who will likely find puberty the most difficult?

•  Bill, who is "on-time".
 •  Kyle, who is "early".
  •  Kim, who is "late".
   •  Linda, who is "early".

It's a Mickey Mouse World , isn't it?

11. Which of the following changes occur during adolescence?

a the heart doubles in size.
b the tonsils double in size.
c the lungs increase by 5 times in weight.
d Acne occurs for 98% of teens.

12. Adolescent acne is usually brought on by

a changes in diet.
b sexual frustration.
c changes in the lymphoid system.
d increased activity of oil & sweat glands.

13. Who probably needs the most calories?

a a 16 year old girl.
b a 22 year old girl.
c a 17 year old boy.
d a 12 year old boy.

14. Because Kim is 15, she likely needs more

a calcium.
b iron.
c potassium.
d vitamin C

15. Changes in primary sex characteristics during puberty include

a pubic hair & underarm hair growth.
b uterus & testes growth.
c rapid height increase.
d all of these

16. If a boy's breasts increase during puberty, he probably

a has an extra chromosome.
b eats to much pork.
c needs exercise.
d is normal.

17. Most sexual abuse is done

a by men.
b to boys.
c by strangers to a child.
d all of these

18. Trends in drug use in the U.S. show

a steady decreases from the mid 1970s on.
b steady increases from the mid 1970s on.
c after decreases in the 80s, a recent increase.
d less use of alcohol and more use of marijuana.

19. Adolescents who NEVER! try any drugs tend to be

a tense & insecure as children.
b calm & confident as children.
c the most popular children in school.
d born to parents who are warm & responsive.

20.  Which of the following is a "gateway" drug?

•  cocaine
 •  heroin
  •  alcohol
   •  LSD

It's a Mickey Mouse World , isn't it?

21. The sequence of puberty hormone production that originates in the brain and ends with glands located atop the kidneys is known by the acronym _____.

•  HAG pathway
 •  HAP pathway
  •  HPG axis
   •  HPA axis

22. A problem with being a sexually active male adolescent is that the risk for getting the HIV virus increases if he:

a is already infected with other STI's.
b has more than one partner within a year.
c does not use condoms during intercourse.
d all of the above.

23. Hormonal changes have the greatest emotional impact:

a directly, by causing emotions.
b directly, by causing mood changes.
c directly, by making adolescents seek sexual activity.
d indirectly, by causing visible signs of puberty such as beard & breast growth.

24. The order of change for the teenage body would be:

a weight increase, height spurt, a period of muscle increase
b height spurt, a period of muscle increase, weight increase
c weight increase, a period of muscle increase, height spurt
d height spurt, weight increase, a period of muscle increase

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Growth & Development
Robert C. Gates
Neurosis is the inability to tolerate ambiguity.  -- Freud

     Most people do not really want freedom, because freedom involves responsibility, and most people are frightened of responsibility.

- Sigmund Freud