Ψ Emotion Universal Facial Expressions
Many facial expressions are universal, though most may be shaped by cultural usages & rules.
It is widely supported within the scientific community that there are seven basic emotions, each with their own unique and distinctive facial expressions. These seven emotions are:
Happiness - Sadness - Fear - Disgust - Anger - Contempt - Surprise
Summary of Facial Expressions
Nose: nostril flare (arousal).
Lips: grin (happiness, affiliation, contentment); grimace (fear); lip-compression (anger, emotion, frustration); canine snarl (disgust); lip-pout (sadness, submission, uncertainty); lip-purse (disagree); sneer (contempt).
Brows: frown (anger, sadness, concentration); brow-raise (intensity).
Tongue: tongue-show (dislike, disagree).
Eyelids: flashbulb eyes (surprise); widened (excitement, surprise); narrowed (threat, disagreement); fast-blink (arousal); normal-blink (relaxed).
Eyes: big pupils (arousal, fight-or-flight); small pupils (rest-and-digest); direct-gaze (affiliate, threaten); gaze cut-off (dislike, disagree); gaze-down (submission, deception).