Early adulthood, from age 20 to roughly age 35 - The PRIME OF LIFE!
Ψ Senescence (sen-ESS-ents): The state of physical decline, in which the body gradually becomes less strong & efficient with age.
• Starts when overall growth stops.
• The 1st visible age related changes are seen in the skin.
• Hair begins to gray at around 30.
Ψ Homeostasis: The adjustment of the body's system to keep physiological functions in a state of equilibrium.
• Many body functions seek homeostasis.
• As the body ages, it takes longer for these adjustments to occur.
• Older bodies fine it harder to adapt to stresses.
• There is a homeostatic set point for weight.
Ψ Organ Reserve: The extra capacity of the heart, lungs, and other organs that make it possible for the body to withstand moments of intense or prolonged stress.
• With age, organ reserve is gradually depleted, but the rate of depletion depends on the individual's general state of health.
The impact of ageing depends on lifestyle, & on the decisions made each day about consumption & exertion!